An Influencer Spotlight from Ray of NapaValleyRay


We were interested to learn more about the minds and passions behind some of our favorite wine accounts. The following are a few pieces of insight gathered from wine influencer, Ray, of NapaValleyRay

Read below to find out what we asked him!



1) What gets you most excited about wine?

Wine accentuates so is a celebration of life and all the moments in between. There is nothing better than opening up a great bottle of wine paired with great food and friends. It makes for memorable moments to cherish.

2) Do you consider yourself an Enthusiast? Connoisseur? Recreational? Other?

I consider myself to be an enthusiast, connoisseur, and recreational when I'm opening up a bottle, I choose a bottle to reflect on the moment. If I am hosting a dinner party with friends, I'll open up some fun and delicious wines hoping to inspire questions and comments. When I'm with connoisseurs of wine, I'll pick that special bottle out that will always impress and make the event memorable. And for recreational purposes, I always have those bottles that are perfect for every occasion and always gets positive feedback.

3) What do you look for when selecting new bottles to try?

I look for region, year, but mostly the surprise of trying something new from someplace new. I'm pretty good at knowing and expecting tasting profiles from various regions but I'm always pleased when I'm surprised by winemakers that go above and beyond.

4) Are you loving any particular varietals lately?

I've been recently impressed by Spanish wines, Argentinian wines, and Chilean wines. Big luscious flavors that are impressive and elegant whites that leave you saying "Wow." It's always fun to try something new that makes you an instant fan waiting to share with friends.

5) What experience cannot be fully enjoyed without the right bottle of wine?

There is always a wine for the right experience. The wine is always available for the special moments..It's the people that aren't always available. The right moment can always be paired with the right wine...always.

6.) When do you serve Malbec and why?

I enjoy cooking and experimenting with food. Malbec's have always been interesting and a favorite of mine. There are so many great malbecs to pair with the right kinds of food. It's funny to open a malbec and let the guests wonder what varietal they are drinking. They become instant fans right away and ask for the bottle to take a snapshot of. I'd like to see the malbec varietal be more advertised here in the USA as it is often sadly overlooked.

Images provided by Ray of NapaValleyRay

Images provided by Ray of NapaValleyRay

Wayne Tamarelli